Sunday, January 23, 2011

#026 Back to the Drawing Board

Two days ago I received a package from Amazon containing The Skillful Huntsman which I have mentioned in my previous blog post as well as Jurassic Park. Know that every art book you own as a PDF file is even more inspiring when owned in a non-virtual way; it’s hard to understand, but there is just something amazing about owning the real thing, the feel of the paper, the ink on the pages, it adds a new dimension to the book. I find that if they were inspiring on the computer, they are even more so when flipping actual pages. Although I am very thankful to own The Skillful Huntsman, I am even more excited at my Jurassic Park novel. I read it many years ago, but I was still very young and I had also read a French translated version. I’m enjoying this re-run through it and it has been keeping me up very late at night like it used to.

I have failed my goal to draw every day, mostly because of my job at the pet store, which has be busy all day and extremely tired at the end of my shift, but I finally got to draw tonight as I sat down for a Nocturnal Drawing Session with Dave! We still have them once in a while, but although we both keep saying we should have them every day like we used to, we are often given to the path of laziness and we frequently end up skipping them. No need to bring us down now though, because we did a pretty good job tonight. I worked on my Khamaeli lizardmen again (I am really aiming to deeply develop these so I hope you’re not tired of seeing them), once again giving to small rough sketches, although I also did a larger sketch, mostly emphasizing on the shape and silhouette. You’ll notice I used the Sharpies and Touch gray markers my wife got me from her work today!

In other news, I have started the planning of my next vivarium project and since this planning has come to the sketching phase, I thought I could include the sketch in today’s post. The sketch does not include vegetation. I plan on making a vivarium environment based on my 2009 illustration The Training Sanctuary, this vivarium is roughly 25 to 30 gallons (it is not standard sized so it’s hard to tell), is planned to be an aqua-vivarium and should house a mix of green/brown anoles, house geckos, green tree frogs, and if possible, blue-tailed tree lizards.

That pretty much concludes today’s update, I hope you have a good week; be creative and don’t stop drawing!

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