Monday, November 23, 2009

#001 Welcome

I’d like to start this blog by welcoming all readers and thanking you for the time you spend browsing it; as a first entry, I will expose my plans for the future of the blog as well as what you can expect to find in the posts; of course, this is simply a prediction and I suppose you should expect changes to happen along the way as my life and projects progress in time.

As a 2D artist/3D artist, the main goal of the posts will be to share the progress of the work I do; I have never really been the kind to post work in progress shots of anything so I think this’ll be a great occasion to start doing just that. The main reason for this is because I’d like viewers to be able to see where I am at in my works as well as inspire and help aspiring artists as I am myself when viewing the progress of artists I admire; I’ve always enjoyed seeing the whole work process in able to imitate and adapt other artist’s functioning work ways to update and add to my own work pipeline.

As a person, you can also expect to see major events in my life posted here (the ones I’m willing to share of course) because although it’s nice to see an artist’s work, it’s also nice to see that there is a breathing person going through the creative process of the projects you’re viewing. Although life milestones are nice to hear of, these will be limited since the main purpose of the blog is to share my artwork and projects.

I hope you all enjoy your viewing and find yourselves inspired or helped out.