Sunday, January 31, 2010

#009 Daily Sketches 31-01-2010

It seems that our will to draw is stronger than our will to do anything else because Dave and I pursued our nocturnal drawing session right through the weekend; this will not be the case every weekend since it’s common that I’m out of the house on weekends but it’s cool that it’s been like this for this time.  

I fiddled around with some sketches which I ended up erasing from last night, after about twenty minutes of abiding to nothing I resolved to ask David for some suggestions, he suggested a Viking and that got me going. My friend Philipp came to visit this week and he’s a big Viking fan and I told him about this Viking story I read somewhere over the net of this awesome Viking warrior who stood alone on a bridge against hundreds of Roman soldiers, killing all that wished to cross while his entire battalion was dead. The bad*ss trooper fell to a brilliant Roman who decided to poke him with a spear from beneath the bridge by riding the waters in a barrel. Sad way to go for such a manly fighter; anyhow, my sketch was my tribute to this Viking. I didn’t have time to finish it during our hour session; it’s missing the blood on the axe and the corpses of the fallen enemies.

As for the daily sketches, I’m still keeping up with it; I even went as far as drawing two faces today, but that’s mostly because the first one I drew didn’t show any eyes (and I love drawing eyes).

As always, I hope you enjoyed and I’ll be back tomorrow with some new daily sketches.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

#008 Daily Sketches #007: 30-01-2010

I’m definitely back in the run these days with two consecutive productive days. Yesterday produced a Rawdakian house but last night got me some totally new architecture done.

The God Metropolis universe is large; it also houses many humanoid species who all have their own culture, art, architecture, fashion and style. I have been exploring some races, but some I have never approached yet; one of those are the Khamaeli lizardmen. I had a vague idea of where I wanted to go with them, but never got to drawing anything yet. I was looking for an Arabian-style architecture while not having a perfect replica of it like World of Warcraft does for its races (Tauren=American Indian, Troll=Mayan/Aztec, etc...). I think I’ve pulled it off quite nicely. After sketching the first building I wanted to get an idea of what a street layout would look like and since my front view drawing didn’t give place to much depth, I went for a top view.

I also got back to my daily sketches of people; yesterday’s female visage was borrowed from my friend Mary. Here’s hoping this time I’ll stick with the “daily” part of “daily sketches”.

God Metropolis © Vincent Laurie 2010

Friday, January 29, 2010

#007 Daily Sketches #006: 29-01-2010

It’s good to be back! Last night I was finally able to lay down some solid work and draw a complete building; I even got to ink and shade it. I drew a house from the Rawdakian district in God Metropolis; Rawdakians are the disciples of Rawdak, the God of war, which explains the number of arrows shot into the house. This morning I did a quick color sketch on the work I had done last night, I have included both below.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

#006 Daily Sketches #005: 28-01-2010

Not all days are good for drawing; once again, I found myself hitting an art block; I could see what I wanted to draw in my head but couldn’t translate it on paper, so I ended up drawing a whole bunch of things which I erased because it wasn’t the result I was hoping for. Since I said I would be posting my sketches, here’s one, although it’s not finished, it’s the only one I’ve got left from last night. It’s some sort of tower.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

#005 Daily Sketch #004: 27-01-2010

Well, here it is, the first daily sketch update that’s on time; please, do pat me on the back for it, ha ha. Last night’s nocturnal drawing session with Dave definitely went better than the last; although I didn’t get to finish my drawing, I did get some solid linework down.

The top drawing had already been done a few weeks back, last night’s work was the lower panel, which is some sort of tropical exotic landscape.

#004 Daily Sketches #003: 26-01-2010

Apologises for the lateness, I did in fact have a drawing session with David yesterday, but it completely slipped my mind to upload them on the correct day. That day’s sketching session was sort of weak on my end, and I tried to compensate for the quality with quantity; without much success; yet as promised, here is my work.

At first I wanted to draw a comic page, and since I was fresh out of inspiration, I flipped through my sketch pad for some ideas; I of course landed on my last drawing, that is, the sketch of the demon; I thought it might be cool to have a comic briefly showing their first appearance in the world. I like the way the creepy evil warlock looks, as well as the second panel’s action and environment, but I just couldn’t get it done quick enough; when I saw our drawing time was almost over, I abandoned the page and tried myself at something else.

Wanting to change air a bit, I decided to go for the opposite of evil and draw something good; the first thought that came in mind was a white knight. I like the shape of the character, but I can feel it by looking at him that he was done in a hurry while trying to compensate for the previous page.

After the knight, I had about five minutes left and tried myself at some troll designs, which all failed miserably.

Not every work is a masterpiece, yet practice is practice and nothing is lost (except for a few sheets of paper and some time) and I’ve learnt a lesson of time management.

Monday, January 25, 2010

#003 Daily Sketches

Today I’d like to let you in on a little activity I’ve started doing a few days ago; it’s not an uncommon practice and most really talented artists try to do this as often as possible and on the largest scale possible. I suppose my title spoiled the surprise: my new habit is daily sketching. In the following entry, I will be discussing the subject from my personal application of it in everyday life as well as presenting last week’s sketches.

It’s commonly repeated that practice makes perfect; I am very fond of this saying myself; whenever someone asks me how I’ve gotten to my level of drawing I answer without hesitation that I have been constantly drawing for years; this usually discourages people who want to start drawing and are around my age or older, since they think they’ll never be able to attain a descent level of art since they haven’t been drawing since they were a child; do not lose hope, because I’ve got another, better example. The time in my life where I’ve most improved my drawing was in 2007 when I was in 2D animation at the Old Montreal Cegep; I had a class called Cultures’ Visual, in which we would sit down and listen to the teacher talk as she’d present the class’ content on a PowerPoint presentation; this was done every class and it wasn’t really required to take any notes since they were given in advance; during this class, I would bring along a sketch pad and draw for the entire time of the class, attentive to what the teacher was saying and looking when she’d change slides, but drawing, all the time. My skills as an artist rocketed up during the three months I’d sit in that class; why may you ask? Because I practiced and practiced, creating several new drawings per week. That’s the recommendation I have for everyone: draw all the time.

Lately I’ve found myself not following my own advice and drawing only occasionally, so like the real artist we are, my roommate David and I have decided that we’d be drawing together every day of the week (probably excluding Fridays though); I call these my nocturnal drawing sessions with Dave, where every night from 1AM to 2AM, we draw. I’ve also decided to draw people; last week, I drew girl faces every day, I suppose this will change from time to time, I’ll try out some male faces as well as full-body male and female people also. Below are the female faces I’ve drawn last week and today, they were drawn from image file references, not from live people and I do not know them, the pictures are part of a folder where I gather pictures of beautiful girls I randomly find on the Internet and keep for future references.

Last week’s first drawing session with David had me draw a disciple of Maréshaï from God Metropolis; being the God of New and Unknown, his disciples are usually a bit freaky and on the funky side, so here I’ve got a disciple meditating whilst using his levitation power.

In my second nocturnal drawing session with Dave, I found myself exploring one of the mortal races from God Metropolis which I had never drawn before: the Man-Shaped Mortal Demons. The God Metropolis Universe not being located on planet Earth or actually any other planet in the Universe, but rather, being a completely new and fictional universe, there is no Bible from which Men have come to know about demons and no actual angels that would fall and become demons. In this world, demons used to live in a parallel plane of evil from which they were summoned to the Continent (God Metropolis world) by people with evil ambitions. Some of the demonists and dark mages lost control of their demons and they were free to roam the world and create their own population; from that day on, they became one of the mortal races of the world, although still bent on evil.

That pretty much sums it up for last week, stay tuned for tomorrow and the following days, I will try to upload my daily sketches every weekday.

Monday, January 18, 2010

#002 The Gates of God Metropolis

As I was searching what fantasy element I could model for my portfolio, I couldn’t help but think about the fantasy universe I (and some friends (mostly my friends Franck and David)) have been creating over the years; with such a vast world, it might seem easy to pick out one element to model, yet I was stuck wondering what I should build. After some though, the obvious struck me: why not start with the beginning? The first thing I could think of was the gates before the bridge leading to the God Metropolis, the city where the gods live.

The first step was to grab some reference, so I googled some images of city gates from medieval towns and old constructions, this got my mind going so that I could sketch up some concept art (figure 2); I found my design instantly (I could of elaborated some more and explored some more designs, but I’m a big fan of staying somewhat resembling the original designs (figure 1 will show you the original design of the gate I had designed some years ago for my Zorglon and Co. comic) so I decided I’d go with the first concept; also, it pictured all the elements I wanted in it.

Figure 1

Figure 2

The next day I moved on to modeling and got it pretty much all done in a few hours’ work, which I found myself pretty proud of (figure 3). I tried unwrapping with Unfold 3D Magic but only to find it crashing on me 10 edges away from the mesh cutting; although it would of been quicker to just start over, I decided against it because if it crashed again, it would’ve been quicker to just unwrap everything manually; plus, I could use the unwrap practice (unwrap=my weakness).

Figure 3

Today I was able to pretty much finish unwrapping (still reworking some elements as I add the textures) and begin texturing, I’m hoping to have almost all the textures done by tomorrow. Until then, have a glorious day.


So I finished the project after three days of work (which could have been condensed in two days if I had sat down from morning to evening working on this. Nice pace, I’m proud of the end result.

I hit a snag near the end; I had originally planned to have all of the gods’ flags up on the wall...thing is, the gods have a very wide palette of colors, making each one unique...also making the wall look like some carnival clown; oh I had all of them hanging there with their brown and purple and pink and green, it was sickening (have a look in figure 4, those are my concept arts for the flags). Luckily for me, the main gate of God Metropolis brings people to the Zorglonite and Rawdakian neighbourhoods, whose colors happen to be blue and red, just like the roofing on the gate, this suited me quite well; I decided that the flags on the walls of the gate would only represent the god’s whose neighbourhood was across the bridge instead of all the gods (it also makes more sense).

Figure 4

The following images show you the end result. Enjoy and feel free to comment.