Friday, February 19, 2010

#016 Daily Sketches 19-02-2010

I did sketch with David, but nothing came out of it, I ended up erasing everything I did, because it was constantly off and as a result, I have no Nocturnal Drawing Session with Dave sketch to show, although I did do a daily drawing fairly late at night.

I had time for some daily drawing, although I didn’t have the patience to see it to an end; I begun a clean version of the creature I call the ruinback tortoise. The great land turtle has a shell composed of ruins instead of the average bone shell, as it grows the ruins grow larger until the weight is too much to bear and crushes the tortoise; as it dies, the ruins continue to spread and from its rubble, new hatchlings will grow.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

#015 Daily Sketch 18-02-2010

I was able to produce two sketches instead of one last night.

As I was browsing my sketch book I found my drawing of a young adventurer (left) and decided to draw a new adventurer next to it (right). Afterwards I realise I prefer the original.

I also drew my lizard Bertrand’s head from memory, it’s a Sudan plated lizard; in the mood for lizards, I also invented a reptile loosely inspired by the mangrove monitor and the large iguana we have at work.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

#014 Daily Sketch 17-02-2010

I’m nearing the end of my sketchbook and I’m proud to say that I’ve filled it up quickly and with a wide variety of artwork since I’ve started my daily sketches.

Lacking inspiration last night I decided to push my study of the Hypolite a little further; exposing its side, the working of the mouth, an alternative body shape and a close-up on an open hand and foot.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

#013 Daily Sketch 16-02-2010 and Ferret

 I’m back from the weekend, sadly, I was busy up until 2:00 AM on Sunday night so I couldn’t fit my Nocturnal Drawing Session with Dave on that night, although yesterday night’s schedule was open and we were able to draw.

With work I’m finding it quite impossible to squeeze in a daily sketch anymore so I’ll be dropping that for the time being, although the Nocturnal Drawing Sessions will stay because I find it important to draw at least once in the day. Last night’s drawing was a much needed a new twist to the Hypolites, who hadn’t been drawn in a few years. Not much has changed, I mostly wanted to modernize the look and adapt it to my present style.

I said I’d share some personal news when they were notable; today’s the day. On Sunday the family grew large with the addition of Choupette, our new pet ferret, given by the same lady that had given us our lizard. She’s adorable. I’ve included a few pictures (the camera's bad, her true color is white/yellow, kind of like a polarbear).


Friday, February 12, 2010

#012 Story-Boarding and Sketches

I’ve been trying to get some balance between all my activities lately; my daily tasks, my job and my art are three hard things to juggle with these days. Yesterday I finally got to sit down and work on some serious work; I will be applying for a job as a story-board artist in the end of February and was asked to produce some story-boards in order to show that I am up for the task.

So the first story-board I’ve created is but a segment of what could be a longer story; no further details about it will be given as I do not wish to reveal any information about this particular story at this moment. The artwork was completed over a few hours of on and off work using Adobe Photoshop.

I considered the story-board to be my daily drawing but I still wanted to go on with the Nocturnal Drawing Session with Dave. I ended up drawing my character Ben-Oni from What’s that Feeling They Call Love?

That’s all for now, I don’t know if I’ll be posting anything during the weekend; if not, I will be back on Monday with my daily updates.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

#011 Lag

I’ve been missing out on you haven’t I? Sadly I have skipped too many days in both my Daily Drawing and my Nocturnal Drawing Sessions with Dave; I have many excuses, I’ve been distracted by friends, work, etc. but it’s not worth sharing and it’s truly mediocre of myself to have let down my commitment and to let myself get distracted so quickly. I promise to double the effort and draw everyday as told in the first place.

Although I haven’t respected my everyday commitment, I have drawn on the occasion, so I’ll be sharing my sketches with you in this blog entry.

First up I have a guitarist rocking out for February 2nd, not much of a back-story to describe, I drew him perhaps once or twice during my high school and stumbled upon one of those drawings while searching for that night’s inspiration.

On February 3rd, I had finished reading the new Amazing Spider-Man comics featuring the return of Mysterio and his fishbowl head reminded me of an old creature I had drew in elementary school. The creature is a giant humanoid that lives in rocky gulches and ravines, its head is a large glass-like dome which kills the beast when shattered. This redesign of the thing got me thinking that it could be integrated to the God Metropolis universe as a monster.

I’ve skipped a few days going from February 3rd to the 9th where I drew some Khamaeli lizardmen heads, still trying to figure out how I want them to look.

On the 10th I found my old drawing of the Khamaeli and was able to mix both the look I had been working on and the old look in order to attain the optimal looks I could imagine. It worked and I am very satisfied with the result.

Finally, I can catch up to where I am now with my drawing from yesterday, we started late so I didn’t get some serious drawing down, I sketched two bodies (the fattest was inspired by some of Skottie Young’s characters from the Wonderful Wizard of Oz by Marvel; I also drew some dwarf visages. Sadly, I did not complete a daily drawing though.

Hopefully by tomorrow I’ll have the blogging routine back up and running.

Monday, February 1, 2010

#010 Daily Sketches 01-02-2010

Last night’s drawing session had to be cut short because both David and I remembered our nocturnal drawing session half an hour late; I can’t say it affected my drawing that much though since I was able to produce something within the 30 minute drawing time. As for the daily drawing, another face has been added to the lot.

Still in the mood for some Khamaeli lizardmen drawing, I decided to picture one on top of one of those pillars I drew the other night while working on their architectural style. I’m proud of the general feeling it has, but the technical aspect of the drawing sort of disgusts me in a humble way; I thought it looked okay at first, but now I realise how the poor thing is so anatomically disproportioned and the drawing is fairly weak compared to my usual standards. I’ll try and make it up to you, readers, do not give up hope on me yet.

Today’s daily drawing was a portrait of Suicide Girl Antigone.