Today I’d like to let you in on a little activity I’ve started doing a few days ago; it’s not an uncommon practice and most really talented artists try to do this as often as possible and on the largest scale possible. I suppose my title spoiled the surprise: my new habit is daily sketching. In the following entry, I will be discussing the subject from my personal application of it in everyday life as well as presenting last week’s sketches.
It’s commonly repeated that practice makes perfect; I am very fond of this saying myself; whenever someone asks me how I’ve gotten to my level of drawing I answer without hesitation that I have been constantly drawing for years; this usually discourages people who want to start drawing and are around my age or older, since they think they’ll never be able to attain a descent level of art since they haven’t been drawing since they were a child; do not lose hope, because I’ve got another, better example. The time in my life where I’ve most improved my drawing was in 2007 when I was in 2D animation at the Old Montreal Cegep; I had a class called Cultures’ Visual, in which we would sit down and listen to the teacher talk as she’d present the class’ content on a PowerPoint presentation; this was done every class and it wasn’t really required to take any notes since they were given in advance; during this class, I would bring along a sketch pad and draw for the entire time of the class, attentive to what the teacher was saying and looking when she’d change slides, but drawing, all the time. My skills as an artist rocketed up during the three months I’d sit in that class; why may you ask? Because I practiced and practiced, creating several new drawings per week. That’s the recommendation I have for everyone: draw all the time.
Lately I’ve found myself not following my own advice and drawing only occasionally, so like the real artist we are, my roommate David and I have decided that we’d be drawing together every day of the week (probably excluding Fridays though); I call these my nocturnal drawing sessions with Dave, where every night from 1AM to 2AM, we draw. I’ve also decided to draw people; last week, I drew girl faces every day, I suppose this will change from time to time, I’ll try out some male faces as well as full-body male and female people also. Below are the female faces I’ve drawn last week and today, they were drawn from image file references, not from live people and I do not know them, the pictures are part of a folder where I gather pictures of beautiful girls I randomly find on the Internet and keep for future references.

Last week’s first drawing session with David had me draw a disciple of Maréshaï from God Metropolis; being the God of New and Unknown, his disciples are usually a bit freaky and on the funky side, so here I’ve got a disciple meditating whilst using his levitation power.

In my second nocturnal drawing session with Dave, I found myself exploring one of the mortal races from God Metropolis which I had never drawn before: the Man-Shaped Mortal Demons. The God Metropolis Universe not being located on planet Earth or actually any other planet in the Universe, but rather, being a completely new and fictional universe, there is no Bible from which Men have come to know about demons and no actual angels that would fall and become demons. In this world, demons used to live in a parallel plane of evil from which they were summoned to the Continent (God Metropolis world) by people with evil ambitions. Some of the demonists and dark mages lost control of their demons and they were free to roam the world and create their own population; from that day on, they became one of the mortal races of the world, although still bent on evil.

That pretty much sums it up for last week, stay tuned for tomorrow and the following days, I will try to upload my daily sketches every weekday.